Sexual Violence Prevention Resource Hub

Discover new tools to increase your program reach and impact

New: 2025 SAAM & Denim Day Tabling Toolkit (Digital)

Will be released by March 20th. Take your outreach to the next level with interactive survivor support activities, coloring pages, bystander intervention quiz, button designs, DIY garlands, and more.

New Resources

  • Denim Day tabling materials

    Bystander Intervention Quiz

    Quizzes can grab people’s attention and make learning more fun.

  • Phoenix rising up above the clouds

    Colors of My Resiliency

    Great activity for survivor support groups or to provide during tabling.

  • "Dear Survivor" Card-Making

    "Dear Survivor" Card-Making

    Perfect Denim Day activity. People can write supportive notes to survivors.

  • Body Love Letter Activity

    Reflection exercise people can do to share care and gratitude to their bodies.

Creative Outreach Materials

  • Sexual violence prevention coloring pages

    Coloring Pages

    A great addition for prevention outreach and events. Perfect for awareness month events or to have year-round.

  • Healthy Relationship Chatterbox

    Shares fun questions for people to reflect on what a healthy relationship looks like.

  • Bystander Intervention Chatter Box Origami

    Bystander Intervention Chatterbox

    Bring on the nostalgia! Encourages people to think about how they’d intervene.

  • Consent & Survivor Support Chatterbox

    Encourages refection on consent and survivor support in a fun way.

  • Pride consent chatterbox

    Pride Edition: Consent & Healthy Relationships Chatterbox

    Includes engaging questions tailored to the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Stalking Awareness Chatterbox

    Stalking Awareness Chatterbox

    Great for tabling! Encourages people to discuss and reflect more on stalking.

  • Safety plan for college survivors of domestic violence

    DV Customizable Safety Plan

    Add in local support resources through our template. Content is adapted from Love is Respect’s college safety plan.

  • MMIWR Poster Set & Coloring Pages

    MMIWR Poster Set & Coloring Pages

    Raise awareness and encourage your communities to take action to support Missing, Murdered Indigenous Women & Relatives.

  • Celebrating 7 Black Women Throughout History

    Includes a poster, coloring page, and interactive tabling game.

  • Trans Community Affirmation Cards

    Print on cardstock and share supportive messages. Features Canva artwork.

  • Stalking Awareness Month Activity

    Stalking in Pop Culture Activity

    Includes prompt ideas for an interactive tabling activity.

  • Consent and violence prevention stickers

    Stickers & Buttons

    We have over 30 creative sticker designs and an assortment of buttons.

Free Tabling Toolkits

  • Denim Day tabling materials

    SAAM & Denim Day Tabling Toolkit

    Attract people to your tabling with our Denim Day art prints, buttons, photo-booth props, & tabling activities.

  • Pride tabling materials

    Pride Tabling Toolkit

    Spark conversation at Pride events with these creative materials. Includes art prints, coloring pages, button designs, and more.

  • DVAM & Halloween Tabling Toolkit

    Enhance your October outreach with this toolkit jam-packed with interactive activities, artwork, and educational resources.

  • Consent v-day outreach and tabling materials

    Love Hub Healthy Relationships Tabling Toolkit

    Interactive activities, consent-centered V-day cards, and healthy relationship resources.

Presentation Tools

  • Domestic Violence College Power and Control Wheel

    Domestic Violence Power, Control & Oppression Wheel

    Includes college dating violence dynamics. Visually demonstrates that DV is shaped by systems of power, privilege and oppression.

  • social justice intersectional domestic violence power and control wheel

    Intersectionality DV Wheel

    Visually demonstrates that people’s identities and systems of oppression shape their experiences with dating violence.

  • Socio-Ecological Model of Campus Sexual Violence Prevention

    Socio-Ecological Model of Campus Prevention

    Demonstrates how sexual violence operates on multiple levels and ways it can be challenged on college campuses.

  • bystander intervention graphics - the 5Ds

    Bystander Intervention Presentation Graphics

    Presentation graphics that highlight the 5Ds of Bystander Intervention.

  • Consent Presentation Graphics

    Consent Presentation Graphics

    Presentation graphics that share the values of consent and how we can practice consent before, during and after sexual activities.

  • Barriers survivors of sexual violence experience

    SA Survivor Barrier Graphics

    Explores the barriers survivors of sexual violence may experience to sharing their story. Great for survivor support workshops.

  • sexual harassment in stem comic

    Sexual Harassment in the STEM Community

    Explores some of the barriers college survivors in the STEM environment can experience in accessing support.

  • International students who are survivors of sexual violence

    International Students and Sexual Violence

    Explores some of the barriers international students may experience to accessing support.

Dating/Domestic Violence Barrier Slides

Explore the complex identity based barriers survivors may experience. Includes survivors with disabilities, LGBTQ survivors, Immigrant survivors, and male survivors. Click on each slide below to download.

Interactive Activities for Your Workshops

“Our students and peer educators really loved the Transform It game! People shared they loved the creative ways to intervene, it gave them inspiration, and they felt better prepared to intervene in instances of potential harm.”

— Associate Director of Prevention Education, Private College in California

  • sexual violence bystander intervention game

    Transform It for Community Bystander Intervention Game

    A dynamic and engaging game for college students, currently utilized by 47 different organizations. Sparks creative intervention ideas to address sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Includes 20 scenario cards and 90+ action cards. Played in a similar way to Cards Against Humanity.

  • Healthy relationship game

    What Would You Do? Dating Scenario Game

    With 70 scenario cards, participants have the opportunity to reflect on how they'd respond to a variety of dating scenarios, from navigating conflicts to setting boundaries. These scenarios encourage participants to explore different ways they can communicate and engage respectfully.

  • Healthy relationship reflection game

    Healthy Relationship Reflection Game

    Features 60 thoughtful questions which provide an opportunity for participants to reflect on their relationship expectations, boundaries, wants, and needs. Great for tabling or for workshops.

  • Relationship Green, Yellow, & Red Flags Game

    Decoding Dating: Green, Yellow, & Red Flags Game

    Create an opportunity for participants to test their knowledge in an engaging way and identify green, yellow, and red flags in relationships. Great small group activity for workshops that stirs up thought-provoking group discussions.

  • Violence Prevention Lotería

    Everything you need to host a fun community game night for your community. Participants can play the game they love but with a prevention twist and more inclusive imagery! Game boards & cards are in Spanish

  • Bystander Intervention Barrier Wheel Activity

    Encourages participants to reflect on their barriers and to identify intervention strategies that will work best with their barriers.

  • Pizza and consent activity handout

    Pizza and Consent: Small Group Activity

    Do you use the pizza metaphor to discuss the importance of communicating desires and boundaries? This handout can support those discussions.

  • How I Like Love: Love Languages Reflection

    Workshop reflection handout to share after you introduce the concept of love languages.

  • Navigating Conflict: Reflection Activity

    Do you discuss healthy conflict strategies in your workshops? If so, this activity may be a helpful resource to encourage more reflection.

Healthy Relationship Materials

  • Recipe for a healthy relationship handout

    Recipe for a Healthy Relationship

    Shares the ingredients of a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Includes relationship reflection questions.

  • Relationship check in handout

    Weekly Relationship Check In Questions

    Encourages people to have ongoing relationship check in sessions with their partners. Shares what a relationship check in is and example check in questions.

  • Healthy relationships worksheet

    Relationship "Check Up"

    A great handout for healthy relationship workshops. Encourages people to reflect on their relationship(s), identifying strengths and areas for growth.

  • Let's Solve Problems Together

    Q/A activity that encourages partners to reflect on how they navigate conflict and to develop a healthy conflict plan.

  • Healthy Relationships Activity

    Love Knows Boundaries Game Handout

    Includes fun and meaningful questions people can ask their partners to learn more about one another and reflect on their relationship.

  • Intimacy Activity

    Fun activity list for people to use with their partner(s) to explore multiple forms of intimacy.

  • Healthy relationship affirmation cards

    Affirmation Deck

    These affirmations encourage and support healthy relationships. Great to offer during tabling and events focused on healthy relationships.

  • Post-Breakup Reflection Kit

    Post-Breakup Reflection Kit

    Includes reflection questions, a boundary check in, support system handout and self-care ideas for healing and healthier breakups.

Sex, Consent & Communication Reflection Activity Collection

A set of handouts that encourage people to explore their wants, needs and boundaries when it comes to sexual activities. It provides support for building skills around sexual communication. Centralizes the importance of consent.

Ready to Launch Campaigns

Consent-Centered Posters

Customizable Mocktail Menus

  • Barbie Consent-Centered Drink Menu

    Barbie Drink Menu

    Hosting a Barbie event? Add a prevention twist with this magical drink menu. Customize with our free Canva template.

  • Sexual Violence prevention mocktail menu

    Consent-Centered Drink Menu

    A fun way to centralize violence prevention messages at events: Create a consent centered bar or cafe. Customize with our free Canva template.